Community came together to preserve Colliery dams

It was delightful to see Nanaimo city council and people from all over Nanaimo finally coming together.

To the Editor,

It was delightful to see Nanaimo city council and people from all over Nanaimo finally coming together at last week’s special council meeting as they agreed  to work together and with Snuneymuxw First Nation staff on a strategy that will work for all concerned regarding Colliery Dams Park.

As councillors pointed out towards the end of the meeting, we have many community leaders who have emerged from this long and often painful process of finding and recommending solutions. In addition, people have worked hard and diligently pro bono to save the Colliery Dam Park.

It has been impressive to hear people’s presentations over the course of many months. It has also been striking regarding the effect of various speakers and their manner of addressing council. Those who gave positive, informative, and thoughtful presentations seemed to make inroads towards the desired goal whereas the occasional presentation that included put-downs, blame anf negative expression had an adverse effect – I think on all of us, no matter which side we were on.

Fortunately, this exercise in communication and exploration has ended on a highly positive note.  Nanaimo city council, SFN and the Colliery Dam Preservation Society deserve our gratitude and appreciation. May this collaboration continue well so that the very best solution is found for all residents.

Lynn BurrowsNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin