Community Comment: Byelection and OCP highlight busy year in Warfield

"The Village of Warfield has had a busy past few months and things are not slowing down!"

The Village of Warfield has had a busy past few months and things are not slowing down!

Village staff and Council are currently wrapping up their Asset Management study which is being done by True Engineering and will give us a very clear direction as to asset planning and replacement. We would like to thank True Engineering for their work on this project and our staff who participated and offered so much valuable information and time.

Beginning Feb. 23, nomination papers can be picked up at the Village Office for the Council by-election. The nomination period is open from Feb. 23 until March 4. Advanced polls will be held at the Warfield Municipal Office on March 30 and April 6. Election day will be held on April 9, 2016, again at the Municipal Office.

Council also recently announced that we were successful in our application for developing an IOCP, Integrated Official Community Plan. This grant provides us with 100 per cent funding to develop an OCP and we will be working closely with the Whistler Sustainability Group over the next 18-24 months on this project.

This is a huge undertaking and with it, we will be forming a citizens committee to participate in the entire process. This project is scheduled to commence on Sept. 1, 2016. We will be advertising for committee members and those interested can put their names forward. Council is very excited about this process as this was one of the goals that we identified during our Strategic Planning session last year. Thanks to the Strategic Priorities Fund for this grant opportunity.

Even though it seems very early, we are already starting to think about the summer and the Warfield Centennial Pool. Village staff will be putting advertising in the newspaper and online in the next few days for lifeguards and the pool manager position.

In addition, we will be starting Phase 1 of the renovations to the pool thanks to the Canada 150 Grant and a grant we received from Columbia Basin Trust. Phase 1 includes a new condensing boiler unit, new pool cover and pool basin repairs. Next year during Phase 2, we will be doing pool deck resurfacing and permanent shade structures.

In regards to recreation, Warfield is hosting their first Paint Night on Feb. 26. To register, please call the Village Office at 250-368-8202. On Feb. 27, the Warfield Youth Action Council is hosting a Cupcake Social. Cost for entry is $2 with proceeds going back to WYAC. At this event, you will also learn about a grant WYAC recently successfully applied for in Bridging the Technology Gap between the youth and seniors. This will be at the Warfield Community Hall between 1 p.m.-3 p.m. Later that night, WYAC is hosting a Community Movie Night. They will be playing the movie “Gnomeo and Juliette” starting at 6 p.m. There will be a concession stand where the youth will be selling hot dogs, pop, popcorn and candy with all proceeds going back to WYAC.

Lastly, the Warfield Recreation Commission will be hosting their annual Easter Egg hunt at the Warfield Community Hall on March 19! Please watch for further information on this and other Warfield Recreation Commission events.

Submitted by Warfield village council. Community Comment is an opportunity for elected officials from our local municipalities to update citizens in the region on the events, plans and progress in their respective communities. Every Friday, the Trail Times will present, on a rotating basis, a submission from councils, school trustees or regional district directors.

Trail Daily Times