Community Comment: Regional district director’s role wide and varied

A breakdown of what the regional district does from director Linda Worley.

Summer is here and school is out, however, before we all get into that “laid back and minimal retention” stage that the West Kootenay summer heat seems to bestow upon us, lets have a little more to absorb.

Local Government in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.  It is common knowledge that it exists, but the logistics of it is often misunderstood.

Lets talk about the Regional District Director role.  RDKB has 5 Electoral Areas, stretching from the boundary of RDCK to the north at China Creek, to Big White and Bridesville to the West.

Each Director is elected by the Constituents in her or his Area during Local Government Elections.

The Electoral Area Director is responsible for overseeing and advising on all activity within the Electoral Area.  Development, Business and Residential Development, Communities, Agricultural, Industrial, Recreational  etc.

In fact, we are Rural Mayors without a Council.  We represent, make decisions on behalf of our Constituents locally and to upper levels of B.C Government to improve upon important issues for our Constituents.

Where Municipal Boundaries adjoin RD Boundaries, there is a “fringe area” that is a buffer zone between them, and any development within this fringe area by either party is reported to the other for information due to the possible adverse effect it may create to the other party.

In other words, we work closely with our Municipal neighbours in many ways.

The major collaboration happens at the RD Board of Directors.

The  RD Board consists of RD Directors and Local Government leaders from Municipalities within ,the same Regional District.

While at the Regional District table, all Local Government representatives are “Directors”, there are 5 Area Directors and 8 Municipal Directors. The business conducted there is essential to collaborate on shared services, such as Liquid Waste Management, Solid Waste Management, Regional Fire Services etc. across the whole of the RDKB.

These major decisions on shared services for ALL Directors at the Board table are ultimately made by the whole, through a vote of majority.

Regional District “Directors” are Rural Mayors, the only difference between the RD Director and a Municipal Mayor is that the Regional District Director acts without a Council.

He or she wholly makes decisions for their Constituents, and shares these with other RD Area Directors at Electoral Area Service Committee monthly meetings.

On that note lets touch on an important issue for Lower Columbia/Old Glory residents.

Please watch for the upcoming questionnaire on the RD Website regarding the current Recreation Agreement for Area B residents, with the city of Trail, which is ending on Dec 31/15.

Have a safe and cool summer season.

Linda Worley is the director for Area B in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.

Community Comment is an opportunity for elected officials from our local municipalities to update citizens in the region on the events, plans and progress in their respective communities. Every Friday, the Trail Times will present, on a rotating basis, a submission from councils, school trustees or regional district directors.

Trail Daily Times