Community Comment: Seniors dinner and Family Fun coming up

"Montrose Recreation Commission has been hard at work planning the Senior Appreciation dinner."

Spring is here! It is so nice to see all the families out in the Village.

Montrose Recreation Commission has been hard at work planning the Senior Appreciation dinner.

The dinner is scheduled for Thursday April 30, 2015 doors open at 5:30pm.

This is a wonderful evening full of amazing stories from residents that have guided and shaped the Village of Montrose.

Montrose Rec. will also be hosting Montrose Family Fun Days June 6, 2015, a day full of fun for the whole family.

With any event there are many jobs to do, if you have an hour or two you can volunteer that day please call the Village office and leave your name and you will get a call back.

We hope to see many new residents and their families out mingling with long-time residents.

Council will be accepting nominations for Citizen of the Year soon. Take some time and nominate a deserving Citizen, (I know it’s hard there are so many deserving people in the Village)

it’s a great way to acknowledge our citizen for their dedication to our community. As always the Citizen of the year will be in the parade and we all love to see and hear the cheers for this very deserving person.

With the warm weather comes Bears!

They are up, moving around and hungry. Please keep your garbage and other attractants secured until the morning when the garbage is picked up.

Bears have an incredible sense of smell and memory.

Once they find a food source they will keep coming back.

No one wants to see bears destroyed so a few extra minutes to secure garbage and other attractants will keep the problems away.

A reminder to residents that we do have a leash by law, this protects both the animal and citizens. Please keep your pets on the leash and out of public parks, where young people play.

We have bags at several locations to help you pick up after your pet.

The days light is with us longer and the kids are outside more, please watch for young people that when they are out having fun may forget to stop and look.

We have four cross walks in the village and people cross all day long, by slowing down and being aware of the crosswalks we will keep all who enjoy walking and riding in the village safe.

Council has been working on Strategic Planning and we have finalized the document “Village of Montrose 2015-2018 Strategic Plan on a Page” this document will help guide decisions council makes over this term.

This document has a lot of information in it and I encourage everyone to have a look.

This document shows where we were, where we are now and where we want to go.

Lastly I would like to encourage all residence when you are choosing your plants for your gardens, please consider drought tolerant plants; I think we may be in for a long hot summer!

Cindy Cook is a councillor for the Village of Montrose.

Community Comment is an opportunity for elected officials from our local municipalities to update citizens in the region on the events, plans and progress in their respective communities. Every Friday, the Trail Times will present, on a rotating basis, a submission from councils, school trustees or regional district directors.

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