Community Comment: Volunteer efforts at the core of Montrose success

"We had a great turnout for the parade along with great food and activities for the children throughout the warm afternoon."

Welcome to a great and early start to summer everyone!  We are so fortunate to live in an area that has a great climate, many outdoor activities and safe communities for all of us to raise our children and be with our family and friends.

The past week has been busy in the Village of Montrose as we celebrated at our Volunteer Appreciation evening with a wine and cheese reception last Thursday, June 4.  We congratulated Debbie Sedgewick for her many years of volunteer work with the Community Service award.

The following few days were very busy as many residents enjoyed Montrose Family Day last Saturday, June 8.

To start the day, many residents and visitors hiked the Antennae Trail and were very much ready for the pancake breakfast that followed the hike.

We had a great turnout for the parade along with great food and activities for the children throughout the warm afternoon.

Early in the evening the firemen cooked a delicious steak dinner to round out the events of the day.  We are all so thankful and appreciative of the incredible volunteers that we have in our community!

We want to thank the Montrose Recreation Commission and the team of volunteers for a tremendous effort so that all of us could truly enjoy the day!

One of the top priority issues that we discussed at election time was recreation. We, the Beaver Valley Recreation Committee, have begun the negotiation process with the City of Trail.

We are hopeful that we will make positive progress with this issue.

One of the other issues that have been concerning our residents is the crosswalks that cross the highway.  We have applied for a grant to make significant improvements to these crossings.

Additionally, our Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Bryan Teasdale has done an excellent job of finding appropriate grants and completing applications also for waste water upgrades, streetlight retrofits and improvements to the skateboard park.

We are beginning the planning for the Community Garden with the selection of the site very soon.

We have some volunteers although, anyone who is interested in helping out we would very much welcome them to join the group.

This will be a fun activity to develop the garden and a great center for some social activity too.

In closing, I just want to say have a great summer everyone, be bear aware by taking your garbage inside at night. Please ensure that you are following the water restrictions particularly at this time given the beautiful but warm, dry spring and summer that we are experiencing!

And again, thank you to all of our volunteers and the Montrose Recreation Commission for their great work!

Joe Danchuk is the mayor of the Village of Montrose

Community Comment is an opportunity for elected officials from our local municipalities to update citizens in the region on the events, plans and progress in their respective communities. Every Friday, the Trail Times will present, on a rotating basis, a submission from councils, school trustees or regional district directors.

Trail Daily Times