Community diminished without Adult Learning Centre

I am writing to protest the closing of the Cowichan Adult Learning Centre.

I am writing to protest the closing of the Cowichan Adult Learning Centre.

As a senior, I am currently talking the nine-week iPad course offered at the Cowichan Adult Learning Centre. It is bringing me into the 21st century and I am so grateful. It is a wonderful course with a variety of ages represented in the class, from myself in my 80s to one girl in her teens.

We are all learning together regardless of differing ages and educational backgrounds. Everyone is treated with great respect and the support is personal and caring.

I want to encourage the community to demand that this unique and important service be continued. I hope the school board can revisit their decision and reinstate the program immediately.

Our community will be diminished without this valuable resource.


Lois Joyce


Cowichan Valley Citizen