Community foundation grants ready

The Alberni Valley Community Foundation (AVCF) is now accepting applications for their 2015 grants.

To the Editor,

The Alberni Valley Community Foundation (AVCF) is now accepting applications for their 2015 grants.

Community groups which provide   services in the following areas are eligible to receive funding: Sports and Recreation; Social Services; Arts and Culture; Environment and Sustainability; Education.

Information about the application process may be found at the Foundation’s website at

Eligible groups must either possess a Revenue Canada charitable  designation or apply for funding on a partnership basis with the AVCF for a particular project.

For further information, please call John Mayba at 250-723-2638 or Hugh Grist at 250-724-4503.

The application deadline is February 28, 2015.

John Mayba,

Alberni Valley

Community Foundation

Alberni Valley News