Community-minded businesses support your local news

Community-minded businesses support your local news

Canadians trust ads they see in newspapers and their affiliated websites more than any other medium

Our advertisers—the people who pay the salaries of everyone who works here—pay us for your attention, to highlight their products and services, to build their brands, to bring you into the store for their sale this week or to encourage you to call them or visit their website.

They do this because advertising in local newspapers and local news websites continues to be a powerful and cost-effective marketing platform.

The PQB News has more than 64,000 readers per week in print and this past year had 2.9 million pages read on That’s because of your trust in us and our news coverage.

According to research conducted by our national association, News Media Canada, Canadians trust ads they see in newspapers and on their affiliated websites more than the ads in any other medium, from social media to other internet websites to radio and TV.

In a world drowning in increasingly dubious advertising messages on what seems like every surface, that trust in advertising is vital.

But there’s got to be more to it than just results.

After all, local merchants can reach local customers with greater precision than anyone thought possible a few years ago through a few clicks of a mouse.

Enough ads on less trustworthy sites can be bought cheaply enough to have a similar result to what we can do.

The difference—the thing that a Google ad or a social media post can’t do—is in building up the local community.

The advertisers you see in these pages or on this screen are building community by supporting the mission of local news.

Their support makes it possible for us to cover what’s going on with local government, in your kids’ school, with your local sports team and on the street.

They make it possible for us to build up our community by supporting hundreds of local organizations and events with thousands of dollars of in-kind advertising support and publicity each year.

Which means the best way you can support us, is by supporting them.

We’re partnering with News Media Canada to create a Proud Advertiser program to help highlight these community minded businesses that are supporting local news with their marketing dollars. Please consider paying those advertisers a visit this coming week. Some of them may be regular stops for you already; some may be places you’ve never visited before. Either way, when you do go to see them, please let them know what brought you in—their support for the local news you enjoy.

The more you support those local businesses you see in our pages and on our website, the better they do, and the more they’ll be able to do for you—more products, better hours, and improved service. They’ll also be in a position to do even more local advertising, which supports us and ensures you have more high-quality, award-winning local news coverage.

Thanks for your support of the local businesses who make it possible.

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