Community pride

Letter writer says there is a need to focus on much-needed services and facilities

A few month ago, Krystine McInnes, a long-time Vernon resident, wrote of how ashamed she was of her city for its lack of vision and encouraged a new entrepreneurial approach to doing things.

This area does need to shake itsself up a bit and start focusing on what a truly magnificent place this could be with a clear, imaginative vision and some positive thinking outside of the box.

Let this be a city and area where we can be proud of a large, modern, first-class art gallery.

Let us be proud of a spacious, well-run, fabulously interesting museum.

Let us be proud of the fantastic sports facilities we provide for our healthy, vigorous youth.

Let us be proud of the gorgeous lakeside facilities providing well maintained beaches with all of the amenities drawing thousands of happy, money-spending visitors to our diamond in the rough.

To provide these things would, of course, cost money but I maintain it would be money well spent.

We do not need politicians who are always narrow mindedly focusing on lowering taxes and cutting costs.

We need some that are bold and advocate spending on these and many other services that would create employment now and provide facilities that we could all be proud of for years to come.

We do not spend anywhere near the amount on these things as our neighbours’ to the north and south do.

Maybe we should stop worrying about cutting costs and instead, start thinking about spending more on much-needed services and facilities, then  long-term residents like Kristine would again  feel a sense of pride in this amazing city and area and would no longer think of leaving.

Let’s start by voting yes for the sports complex.

Denis Marson



Vernon Morning Star