Community support much appreciated

I am humbled by the attention and accolades directed my way over the past weeks, with regard to my having retired from Shuswap Search and Rescue. Beginning with presentations of plaques/certificates from the RCMP, PEP and regional district in a ceremony held at the SAR Hall on Jan. 19, and then a wonderful team send-off celebration on Jan. 22, all of this organized for my behalf primarily by Roger Meunier, Kathy Drohan and Lisa Giddens. It was a very gratifying experience and I thank everyone who attended and was involved.

I am humbled by the attention and accolades directed my way over the past weeks, with regard to my having retired from Shuswap Search and Rescue. Beginning with presentations of plaques/certificates from the RCMP, PEP and regional district in a ceremony held at the SAR Hall on Jan. 19, and then a wonderful team send-off celebration on Jan. 22, all of this organized for my behalf primarily by Roger Meunier, Kathy Drohan and Lisa Giddens. It was a very gratifying experience and I thank everyone who attended and was involved.

In the beginning, I recall the very first organizational meeting to develop a Search and Rescue organization, and I was in attendance. It was put together by John Latham. I think that was in ’87-’88 and, for whatever reason, a second meeting was never called. Following that, I think it was in ’88, Kelly Keating, along with Alf Ames, decided to try again. I also attended that meeting and the following one as well, and we were underway, dubbed at the time Salmon Arm Search & Rescue, under the leadership of Kelly Keating who was Shuswap Search & Rescue’s first search manager, and I was its second.

Being involved with Shuswap Search & Rescue has been a great experience for me and I have met a lot of very interesting folks along the way and I thank each of them for what they gave to me knowingly or not.

I would also like to thank the Shuswap residents who have supported me, Shuswap SAR and the fundraising initiatives that we were involved in from time to time for the betterment of our team and ultimately our communities.

It’s been a pleasure to serve the citizens of the Shuswap in their time of great need.

Donald W. Reed

Salmon Arm Observer