Community volunteers create great Canada Day celebrations

The Chamber of Commerce executive wishes to extend our deep appreciation to all those involved in our Canada Day barbeque fundraiser

Editor, The Times:

The Chamber of Commerce executive wishes to extend our deep appreciation to all those involved in our Canada Day barbeque fundraiser. Many thanks to Jim’s Food Store for its generous donation of their yummy burgers! Having the A&W Root bear there was also incredible. To Jackson Rempel and the Jim Family – thank you! We also wish to thank Linda and Kerry Miller for their contributions from the Dollar Emporium along with Deanna Dixon and the Jasper Way Inn for their assistance.

The Chamber acknowledges the partnering by the District of Clearwater – thank you for including us in this day that is quickly becoming a favored holiday within the community!

The day couldn’t be as successful if it weren’t for locomotive energy of Councilor Ken Kjenstad. Our community remains indebted to people like Kjenstad and his cohort, Ted Richardson, who constantly comes out and helped set up of the tent kindly donated by the Clearwater Resource Centre.

Our District councilors were fabulous! Thanks to Councilor Buck for his full day of help – he was the perfect assistant to Councilor Kjenstad. Councilor Dobi was also kept busy for the day in the barbeque kitchen area and made sure all supplies were quickly replenished.

Sherri Madden did a great job as grocery runner as well as helped in getting the canoes and the mascots organized. The Volunteer Fire Department is owed a round of thanks for allowing Kathie Petrie to help with face painting. Kathleen Cook Waldron kept the kids busy with her storytelling and what barbeque would be complete without watermelon, which was donated by Safety Mart. The food fest was capped off beautifully thanks to Sharon Chaytor of the Strawberry Moose and her divine cupcake flag creation!

We also wish to express our gratitude to Tori Barstow, Emma Wesnoski and the Initial Attack crew for their contributions. Nicole Madden and her team were inspirational with their fundraising efforts. They supplied the drinks with all proceeds going to the CIBC Run for the Cure.

Proceeds from the Chamber barbeque will go towards funding the summer student at the Chamber information desk in the Clearwater Information Centre.

With reduced student funding, the Chamber of Commerce executive voted to utilize its contingency budget to fund summer staff.

The day was a grand success but only because of the help of many people and of course, the community as a whole for its participation.

Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce executive



Clearwater Times