Beefs and Bouquets

Comox Valley Beefs & Bouquets for the week of Dec. 9

Beef to anti-maskers and speeders; bouquet to the Christmas trucks

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to Record staff reserve the right to edit all submissions, and discard beefs deemed to be libelous or mean-spirited. We will not publish beefs about private businesses or charities (those associated with published news articles notwithstanding). Please keep submissions within 150 words. We will also not accept beefs in response to Letters to the Editor. We will not grant anonymity to complain about a “signed” opinion.


ALL THE HOLIDAY CHEER to Mainroad Contracting & Tayco Paving, for the great hill/culvert improvements to Wellington Road in Royston. These works were long overdue so we appreciate the attention to it all especially with winter coming. Thanks for the extra thought that went into this section, you gave the cars much more paved area to get a good run at the hill during snow season, and when we approach the stop sign you softened the slope so we wait for traffic on less of an incline, and no more reoccurring sinkholes, yahoo! The flaggers did an excellent job directing all the comings and goings during the days the work took place, as it is a busy neighborhood only one entrance/exit. Thank you to all involved, a job, very well done!


THIS IS A BEEF to Canada Post; the whole point of ordering online is to not have to go into stores. Leaving a pickup parcel slip in the mailbox and not even trying to deliver the packages defeats the whole purpose. This has happened multiple times in the past weeks. Very, very frustrating!


A FRESH BUCKET OF roofing nails on the road to those delivery drivers, contractors, visitors and homeowners in Valley Vista Estates who think the MH park is for racing through. It is 20km/h and that’s it. To those homeowners and others who slowly glide through the park respecting others, thank you very much.


IN THIS TIME OF pandemic, when our trusted health authorities have ordered mandatory mask-wearing while inside stores to protect us all, and when some struggling local businesses actually go so far as to supply disposable masks to customers, it only makes sense that we dispose of used masks in garbage receptacles rather than rudely throwing them down on the pavement of downtown streets or in front of said businesses.


A HUGE BOUQUET TO the awesome young man who paid for our breakfast at the Early Bird Cafe on Saturday, Nov. 21. Thank you.


A THANK YOU TO all the volunteers who helped rake leaves and generally cleaned up St. Andrew’s Church cemetery on Nov. 7. A special bouquet of flowers to Canadian Tire Courtenay for donating leaf bags.


BEEF TO THE PERSISTENT anti-maskers and the RCMP who refuse to issue fines. How many innocent people have to die before they mask up?


STINKY KARMA TO THE store in Courtenay for not giving out receipts for purchases, unless you join their ‘loyalty program.’ I think paying customers deserve to have proof of purchase before exiting a store. If you are a patron who agrees to leave a store without a receipt, I hope you are not accused of shoplifting. I won’t be passing over the threshold of this store again after supporting it for 20 years. If you intend to carry out business like that, at least warn shoppers with a sign on the door.


MANY CHRISTMAS WREATHS to the occupants of the decorated trucks. It was such a joy to see the Christmas trucks honking through the streets in my neighbourhood. It put smile on my face after a busy and somewhat frustrating day. Thanks for cheering me up. May the joys of Christmas be with you always.


BEEF TO SHOPKEEPERS. We are constantly admonished to shop local, and yet why are so many local shopkeepers so rude? If you want us to drop our money in your store, especially when we don’t really need your stuff, please try to be a little more polite. I was in a shop in the Comox Valley recently, and when trying to make polite conversation about the state of things (COVID), was given a very rude answer by the owner of that shop… It went something like, “Yes, business is down because of the virus, what do you think?” I don’t want to be treated like that when I am buying something from you that I don’t need. Want us to shop local? Value each and every customer, and every transaction, and stop being so snotty. I don’t mind driving to Nanaimo.


LUMINOUS CHEERFUL BOUQUETS to kind neighbors putting up seasonal lights to brighten our lives. Thank you! Let your lights shine!


LOVELY BOUQUETS OF ROSES to all the staff, nurses, and doctors, in Emergency, at the Comox Valley Hospital, on Nov 30. Your caring and knowledge was exemplary. I can’t thank you enough.


A HUGE, GRATEFUL THANK YOU to the young, SAR-savvy, Black Creek man who found my pack that I had left at One Spot Trail after a bike ride Nov. 30. The next morning I found his note taped to the trailhead sign and called him. We met at the general store where he returned my pack and adamantly refused any reward. Ironically, my pack contained, among other valuable items, a GPS personal locator beacon for use if I were to experience a backcountry emergency and needed SAR assistance. He was most eager to get the beacon, along with everything else, back to me, realizing its critical importance. Again, many, many thanks!


AN INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL BOUQUET to the owner of the building that we lease from for commercial use. We are a local business and have faced significant hardship due to COVID-19. We are touched and grateful to feel supported by you in a time of uncertainty. Thank you for the adjustment to our lease agreement. It certainly makes these uncertain times feel more hopeful and makes a huge difference for us. We feel blessed to live in this community and want to thank you for helping us keep our doors open.


THIS EVENING WHILE RELAXING and enjoying the time, we had a dump truck followed by a pickup pulling a trailer and both were lit up with lots of lights. I waved and I am glad the driver of the dump truck saw the wave and returned it. The truck was lit up so immaculately and such a beautiful job done which must have taken many hours to do. The pickup and trailer also were decorated in a great way. What a way to bring cheer to Comox. Whomever they are I say a great Thank You for putting cheer into our lives. Have a wonderful Christmas season!


A BIG BOUQUET TO Jo Klassen’s restaurant in Courtenay for organizing a Christmas gift giving program for seniors in care facilities. You can pick up a list for a “Grandma” or “Grandpa” at the restaurant and then return the wrapped gifts to them before Dec. 14. Way to go Jo Klassen’s!


HO HO HO! A happy surprise to find that the former Michael’s has reopened…but with new ownership, decor and an abbreviated name. Off Main still has good food and fair prices, with obvious extra attention from owners Harlan and Siobhan. I miss Mikhi’s wonderfully warm greeting and smile but am pleased that Heidi is still there and just as welcoming and attentive.


THIS IS A BOUQUET for Sure Copy. They have always done a great job for us, but the best thing was when they did a free print of something my kid did for their dad for Christmas that they didn’t charge us for. I really wanted to give them a shout out for their excellent work.

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