Beefs and Bouquets

Comox Valley Beefs & Bouquets for week of Dec. 2

Beef to deer hunters; bouquet from a store owner to shoppers

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to

Record staff reserve the right to edit all submissions, and discard beefs deemed to be libelous or mean-spirited. We will not publish beefs about private businesses or charities (those associated with published news articles notwithstanding). Please keep submissions within 150 words. We will also not accept beefs in response to Letters to the Editor. We will not grant anonymity to complain about a “signed” opinion.


A BEEF TO THE Town of Comox for allowing fireworks in our community, a community that has a large number of serving military and veterans who need our support, empathy and understanding as many struggle to come to terms with the sounds associated with their most difficult experiences. Why not restrict this activity in Comox at least, an activity that is merely a moment of fun for a few, but can have devastating internal repercussions to so many. Added to the obvious similarity to the sound of explosions and gunfire is the surprise element to those who hear them, those who, due to the nature of their PTSD, cannot speak for themselves. The respect we show our veterans and military, as well as their families, can take many forms and should not be limited to one day set aside in November each year.


BOUQUETS OF NATIVE PLANTS to our committed high school students: Ella, Nalan, Will, Vivienne, Irene, and Mia from Isfeld Environment Club, Comox Youth Climate Council and Vanier Environment Club who volunteered at several recent Invasive Ivy Pulls in Baybrook Nature Park. Your hard work and enthusiasm is much appreciated by the members of The Friends of Mack Laing Nature Park (and Baybrook). Thank you Helen Boyd, from Comox Valley Nurses for Health & The Environment, for introducing these exceptional students to our group! Also, a special thank you to all the volunteers from the FMLNP invasive pull group that have put in many hours over the past month, on this worthwhile project in Mack Laing & Baybrook Nature Parks!


I WOULD LIKE TO share my recent experience in a local store displaying a gross lack of responsibility in the depth of this pandemic! I attended the establishment, which is very near a school, and upon entering I noted several unmasked students in a tight cluster. I attempted to distance myself (which was impossible) at which time another large group of students entered the store. I made my way to the door and asked the two unmasked sales people if they were not enforcing any policies to which they replied, “no we told them next week they will need masks!” I will no longer support this store. When a large majority are attempting to maintain policies and safety it seems this store is more interested in making a dollar and risking it all.


SUPER HUGE RAVE TO the Comox Valley from the Curious Cat on 5th Street. I would like to address the outstanding support from the local community, it’s been heartwarming. Folks are so in touch with shopping local and supporting small businesses. I’ve had many conversations with shoppers who are making a special effort to keep our local shops alive and healthy. It warms my heart. Remember, you make us what we are! You are the backbone in keeping us going. Within all of the heartache of 2020, I truly have found a silver lining and it’s right here in our community. Thank you and happy holidays.


A HUGE BOUQUET OF roses to the local Salvation Army for requiring masks be worn by everyone shopping in their thrift stores, except those people showing their medical exemption letters. In the days leading up to this, the S.A. reminded all its customers verbally and through signage what was coming before rigidly enforcing it. I was especially impressed with how one of the Sally Ann cashiers at the Kilpatrick Avenue store handled a customer who came into the store without wearing one. She reminded her about the rule and then handed her a disposable mask so she wouldn’t have to leave. See, it is possible to be kind and protect the public at the same time. Hopefully all other local businesses will follow suit and actually enforce their mask-wearing regulations.


I WANT TO SUBMIT a big huge bouquet to the amazing couple who helped get our car started in the Costco parking lot. You were so kind to take the time out of your night to help complete strangers and your generosity did not go unnoticed!


“PLEASE PAY ATTENTION, please learn, please be studious.” From the children to the adults (emerging included). We, the children, want to go to school. We want to exercise our right to play free and feel safe. Putting this pandemic behind us is a group effort. We are all in this together. Please listen.


A HUGE BOUQUET OF wildflowers to the John Howard Society and BC Housing for listening to the neighbours of the The Junction – the adult supportive housing development in Courtenay. You have been both sensitive and responsive to our concerns and as a result, our neighbourhood is noticeably calmer. We recognize that it is no easy balancing act to meet the needs of your vulnerable tenants as well as those of your closest neighbours, and we applaud your success in this regard! From a couple of very happy neighbours!


Applause and cheers to the CVRD for denying the 3L Development plans for the Stotan Falls area. Cheers and applause also to those involved with reviving public access to Stotan Falls. For years we have been denied the beauty and fun of the Falls, a prized gem in our Valley. How sad to consider many of our young people have never experienced the falls, since the closure all those years ago. May I encourage readers to contact CVRD expressing your views re: private development of the Stotan Falls area. Perhaps a solution may be found in buying back the rights of development and instead, dedicate this natural jewel for public use only and forever.


TO THE HUNTER(S) who dumped two deer carcasses on a residential street in Comox right next to a ditch full of water – along with their gloves and sprinkled with lime – meaning the animals can’t eat it and you are polluting the local stream: you give every hunter a bad name and it’s actions like this that lead many people to believe hunters don’t have regard for the environment, as they claim. If you are going to hunt, please dispose of your carcasses responsibly!


A HUGE THANK YOU to Mountain City Cycle in Courtenay. I’ve been dealing with them for many years and it never ceases to amaze me the level of service they provide. I thought it was high time I acknowledged their help in always keeping me on the road. Thanks again to John and the gang.


BEEF TO THE DRIVERS that use Buena Vista Avenue Comox as a shortcut and a racetrack. This week a family was left devastated when their dear pet was killed, and it very easily could have been a child. There are no extra few minutes at the light or beating a couple more cars that could ever make that worthwhile. If you must use this street, please slow down.


I want to express my sincere gratitude to the staff and the customer at Shoppers Drug Mart who found my wallet. Thanks to all of you, I have my wallet back, all contents intact.


MY HUSBAND AND I send big bouquets of thanks to the young man who, in the pouring rain, helped remove and change our flat tire , in the Quality Foods parking lot. Bless you, sir.

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