Comox Valley Beefs & Bouquets

Comox Valley Beefs & Bouquets

Comox Valley Beefs & Bouquets, week of Sept. 15

Beef to the gnome thief; bouquet to dental hygienists

Do you have someone to thank, or a peeve to get off your chest? Send it to

Record staff reserve the right to edit all submissions, and discard beefs deemed to be libelous or mean-spirited. We will not publish beefs about private businesses or charities (those associated with published news articles notwithstanding). Please keep submissions within 150 words. We will also not accept beefs in response to Letters to the Editor. We will not grant anonymity to complain about a “signed” opinion.


BEEF TO THE PEOPLE responsible for the garbage left on the beach at Goose Spit. I was out there on Aug. 28. There were lots of people, kids, boats and kayaks having fun. I walk out there regularly and it is usually pristine and a beautiful spot to enjoy nature. On this particular day I could not believe the amount of garbage on the beach. Chair backs, pillows, clothes, food wrappers, cans, bottles, etc. etc. and even a broken kayak. It would easily fit a couple of large garbage bags. We are in a pandemic so does this mean we turn into slobs? I don’t get it. I’m going out there tomorrow to clean it up. Let’s have some respect for Mother Nature. Disgusted by humanity.


A FEW WEEKS AGO we woke up at 3 a.m. to sound of water spraying. We quickly saw our water heater was shooting water out the top. We promptly turned off the water and covered floors with towels to sop up water. At 7:20 a.m. I called Terra Nova plumbing to explain what had happened and that we had no water or bathroom. Could they help? At 8:30 a.m. the Terra Nova truck showed up with a new tank. They drained old one and installed the new one and within two hours we had hot water. Can not say enough about the amazing, prompt service we received from Terra Nova Plumbing. You are the best.


THANK YOU TO all the people who are wearing protective face coverings while inside public spaces and while doing any type of shopping. Your actions show your consideration for others, respect for yourself and that you care about your community. Adhering to social distancing, wearing a mask, and using hand sanitizer while out in the public does help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Let’s protect each other. This is not the time for complacency.


THANKS TO J for promptly using Craigslist to report finding my car keys in Lewis Park. I had them back in (Comox Valley) record time! I am so grateful.


HAVING HAD A PROBLEM with the pharmacy that I had been using for quite a long time, my doctor’s office gave me the names of other pharmacies I could use and, because it was close to my home, I chose Pure Pharmacy opposite the Home Depot. What an amazing choice I made! It is lovely to walk into, all white (like they portray heaven in the movies!) and with the most friendly and helpful staff I have had occasion to run into. The pharmacist, Greg, is knowledgeable and extremely efficient in getting the products and friendly to boot! Highly recommended.


A BIG SHOUT-OUT to all the staff of The Views in the old St. Joe’s Hospital. Their level of care for their charges is outstanding and they are willing to help with anything they can to make interactions with family members pleasant and comfortable. This was all magnified due to our having to take our relative to The Views in the middle of a pandemic. Well done, you guys – stay safe and well.


FRAGRANT BRAVO BOUQUETS TO Marcus Youssef, Elevate the Arts, and Mcloughlin Gardens board for the stellar reading from his plays and talk about the future of live performances in the beautiful outdoors social spacing event in Puntledge Park. Thank you. Proud of you. Keep going!


A BIG THANK YOU to Jason and his staff at Georgia Straight Collision from me and my now fully restored Pontiac G6 GT convertible. I bought her new in 2007 but of late she was beginning to look a little worse for wear. But thanks to Georgia Straight’s skills and attention to detail she now looks immaculate. It’s so gratifying to find craftsmen capable of executing such sensational service.


TREMENDOUS AND ENTHUSIASTIC BOUQUETS to our dental hygienists who face a very high chance of COVID infection in doing their job. Many, many thanks to them for keeping our teeth clean in this strange time! Librarians who are also supposed to be serving our communities. Note what can be done!


THIS IS A BOUQUET of epic proportions to all of the regular customers of True Grain! Thank you for your patronage, thank you for your friendship and thank you for your kind words this week as you learned we are closing our doors for good. Thank you to Bruce and Todd for giving us the opportunity to represent True Grain, it was a honour to work for you. This is also a rant to the people who came in upon hearing the news looking for a deal, expressing their concern about where they will buy bread, why are there no discounts and making it all about them, when it is us who will be out of work during this pandemic. I am sorry you have to choose from one of the six other bakeries in town, hopefully we will be so lucky when it comes to finding a new job!


NOT JUST A BEEF – it’s the whole roast for the “unmentionable” who left huge streaks of brake fluid in my driveway yesterday. Sure, you couldn’t help it if the brake line broke, but did you have to use a private driveway for a turn-around? It isn’t called a crescent for nothing; you’re back to Doyle Road if you had kept on after you’d fixed the problem. Thanks a whole bunch. If my cats get sick, I just may put a curse on, as well.


THE OTHER NIGHT SOMEONE came to our Mission Hill block and stole nearly all of the figurines from a gnome village in front of a neighbour’s house. My neighbour is a pensioner who built this little village painstakingly, over a long time and with some expense, for his young grandchildren who visit frequently. Visits to the home of these loving grandparents has been one of the few joyful constants in their lives. Now, thanks to you, they’ve had to learn that there are total strangers who are willing to go out of your way to disrupt their happiness with a mean-spirited and pointless act. The kids will grow up and move on, but you get to live with the memory and embarrassment of having done this very stupid thing. That may not seem true now, but just give it time. What a brilliant future you have ahead of you.


A BIG THANK YOU to the village of Cumberland for thinking ahead and realizing the need for a sani dump, the bonus is that it is free. Where is Courtenay city hall?

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