Comox Valley Common Sense more open than behind-the-scenes NDP

Dear editor,

Fear has struck Mayor Phelps. He’s afraid of Common Sense.

Dear editor,

Fear has struck Mayor Phelps. He’s afraid of Common Sense.

In the paper and on radio he and others have declared their fear of this group with a “secret” political agenda. Really?

Local NDP members have been aggressively supporting select candidates for years, influencing our municipal politics. Now that some citizens with a different viewpoint are doing the same, they are screaming foul, unfair, hidden agenda, and other basic fear-mongering tactics.

Highly secretive? I find their openness as a organized group, revealing its priorities with clear ads and intelligent questions, refreshing compared to the underground, behind-the-scenes working of the NDP. Grow up!

Now “Common Sense” are being accused of coining catch phrases such as, “fiscal responsibility,” “reining in spending,” “focus on core priorities” and being organized by the Liberal Party.

Whoever finds fiscal responsibility in local government scary, frankly scares me! These tax-and-spend supporters are going under the banner of “progressive.”

No one has solicited me, told me how to think or how to vote. No one from the Liberal Party or Common Sense, have met with me, given me money, told me how speak, write or campaign. Yet, I believe in fiscal responsibility.

We already have a dysfunctional council because of obvious political agendas being pushed by candidates of one persuasion. It’s time people who believe in “reining in spending” organized and took a stand for this Valley.

I don’t know who you are but, good job, Common Sense. Maybe Mayor Phelps should be afraid.

John Van Egmond,


Editor’s note: John Van Egmond is a candidate for Courtenay council.

Comox Valley Record