Comox Valley Liberal candidate has his vote

Dear editor,

This past weekend I had the privilege of going political door-knocking with our MLA and Education Minister Don McRae.

Dear editor,

This past weekend I had the privilege of  going political door-knocking with our MLA and Education Minister Don McRae.

I have worked for Don and attended social functions with him on a number of occasions but noticed a lot about the man during our walkabout that had never been so apparent before.

First was his unfailing grasp of issues and his utter honesty in dealing with them. Not once did I hear the evasion and fence-sitting for which most politicians are infamous.

He answered all questions and observations in a straightforward and articulate manner even when his take on them differed from the constituent posing the query. I also was highly impressed with his ability to discuss a wide range of issues, far beyond his own portfolio.

Whether talking to an MD about the possible future of St. Joseph’s, the manner in which the location of our new hospital was chosen or lingering questions about the HST, Don fielded them all firmly and politely even when he and the constituent did not see eye to eye.

Above all I believe what impressed me most was his humility and strong sense of humanity. He treated everyone as an equal and was genuinely interested in their concerns and problems.

I believe that the Comox Valley is extremely well-served by having this exceptional man representing us in Victoria. Let us therefore be certain that we support him on May 14.

Ian Sibbald,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record