Comox Valley needs proper curling rink

Dear editor,

In regard to your article championing a viable curling centre in the Comox Valley, I could not agree more.

Dear editor,

In regard to your editorial (Record, Feb. 25)  championing a viable curling centre in the Comox Valley, I could not agree more.

I am a senior and relatively new to the sport and enjoy it very much, so much so that I wish I had started when I was younger so that I might have had a chance to compete at the elite levels.

I know I’m not alone in how proud I was to be Canadian when our men’s and women’s teams brought home the gold in Sochi.

Like you said, champions start at home. The Comox Valley Curling Club has one of the largest junior programs on the Island that is run entirely by volunteers from our club.

Wouldn’t it be something if one day we could watch one of our own young people compete for Olympic gold? It certainly would be a shame if that dream was not allowed to come true because of leaky roofs and an ice plant that is 56 years old.

I know the members of the curling club and the local government have been working hard to come up with a solution. Please, let’s hope something positive happens in the near future so that curling in the Comox Valley can continue for another 50 years.

Brian Baltis,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record