Comox Valley Taxpayers Alliance ad amounts to bullying

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

We are a diverse community, with a diversity of opinions. We don’t have to agree on everything, but I think it’s reasonable to expect that opinions will be aired without resorting to personal attacks on those with whom we disagree.

The full page ad taken out be the Comox Valley Taxpayers Alliance in the last edition of the Record is a classic example of public bullying and name calling by an anonymous group too cowardly to tell us who they are.

I’m no more excited than the next person about the prospect of paying more taxes. However, the fact that the budget was passed by a clear majority of the council, made up of councillors with a diversity of positions who don’t always vote the same way, suggests to me that they may have a point.

It’s okay to disagree. It’s not okay to be a bully.

Anne Davis


Comox Valley Record