Comox Valley voter says he has clear choice

Dear Editor,

Election choices are confusing due to conflicting ideologies, unclear or unstated agendas or distorting advertising claims.

Dear Editor,

Often, choices in elections are confusing due to conflicting ideologies, unclear or unstated agendas or distorting advertising claims.

In our local election, however, we have a clear choice.

A coal mine in our valley is a virtual certainty if the Liberals are elected. Of course, it has been said that an environmental review process needs to be undertaken, but we know that the Liberals’ stated goal is to increase mining activity.

In fact, it seems that the sustainable, viable shellfish industry that employs more people than a mine ever would, is left out of the equation.

Let us also take into account the desires of the people who live here and would be directly effected by a mine, not just the interests of shareholders whose only concern is profit on their investment.

I’ve noticed ads from mining interests, reminding us of how our lifestyle depends on metal. I’ve also noticed that the quality of metal goods is decreasing. Is it possible that built-in obsolescence and poor-quality products fuels our need for ever more metal?

I’m not affiliated with any political party but I would like a representative in the legislature that actually represents the people that live here.

I do not want my home polluted. I want this place to live up to its potential as a place of plenty now and for generations to come. The choice is clear.

Richard Fairbanks,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record