Compassion and teamwork

Residents pleased with the level of care at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

I am writing this letter from my father and myself. On March 17, I called an ambulance for my dad. Right from the paramedics to the doctors and nurses, I saw the expert care provided by each and every person involved.

Once my dad was well enough, he was moved to 3North to await an opening to a care home.

While he was there, about four months, I would visit with him for a couple of hours almost daily. While I was there, I was able to see and hear the incredible care and patience exercised by all of the staff. By all of the staff, I mean the nurses, care aides and also the cleaning staff. It was awe inspiring to see how everyone there were able to help each other when needed.

Also, the upbeat attitude everyone showed meant so much to all of the patients there.

My father is now in a care facility but I must say he definitely misses everyone on 3 North.

We would  like to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in his care.

Vernon and area is very blessed to have such caring and compassionate people working and volunteering at Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

Willie and Bob Zazelenchuk


Vernon Morning Star