Compliance dividing city

The coal issue has divided the residents of Port Alberni, one reader says.

To the Editor,

I see Compliance Coal trying to divide the Alberni community and attempting to capitalize on our collective economic and social pain.

With multiple global crises upon us, ongoing, and as yet unresolved, divide and conquer is an unforgiveable position to take.

For taking this hard-hearted position, at this time in human history, Compliance will get the karma the universe has in store, as we all do when we treat each other badly and disrespect Mother Earth.

Oil and coal must end as a human energy source.

We are fellow nurturers of Mother Earth, not competitors (for resources) we have to overpower, or incapacitate in some way.

Willing human cooperation has the power to take us to that place of plenty we so long for.

But it will be on her terms, not ours.

Meantime, No Coal No Way folks must tell it like it is, in one resounding voice.

Taking back the narrative, letting John Tapics and global coal investors hear us say “divide and conquer is something we know too much about, already.”

People are hurting financially; they fall prey, understandably, to the jobs argument. But, if we define what’s really going on, power-wise, then all will have to, at least, consider the bigger picture.

Why pit one against the other?

With ever increasing economic uncertainty, the sufficiency of a fund for cleanup and the insurance to cover a catastrophic event, should there be a need, grows less and less likely each day.

So why should the people of Alberni take all the risks?

Jen Fisher-Bradley,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News