Concern about CETA not mere fearmongering

Dear editor,
Re: Canspfuropean Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

Dear editor,Re: Canspfuropean Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).If you haven’t yet heard of CETA, you are not alone. The federal government would prefer you not ask a lot of questions, but the information is getting out.Recently the BC Association of Municipalities passed a motion opposing CETA, which targets municipal powers and services. The federal government is not meaningfully consulting local governments.CETA would pave the way for privatization of everything from roads to health care and postal service, with little or no regulatory oversight allowed. Foreign corporations could dictate public policy to all levels of government.Lest you think this is just fear-mongering, corporations have already successfully sued governments (i.e. taxpayers) under NAFTA.CETA will threaten our universal public services. But there is not enough room in one letter to detail the problems it will cause.If you care, see, and then take action. CETA is not yet a done deal.Let your friends know this is a bad deal for Canada. Talk to your MP, your MLA and local mayors and councillors and even school board trustees. Tell them you oppose CETA.Carla Neal,Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record