Concerns about water

On a local level specifically, I am worried about the dwindling water supply in the Okanagan Valley.

Dear Editor:

Recently, I heard a really good quote by E. B. White who said, “I have only one share in corporate Earth and I am nervous about the management.”

On a local level specifically, I am worried about the dwindling water supply in the Okanagan Valley.

When I read the article appearing in last Thursday’s Review regarding the old cannery property changing hands, that quote floated into my mind.

Apparently there will be more residential spaces built there. Are individual citizens carefully conserving  water so that developers can carry on doing what they do?

This of course is happening throughout the valley but I wish that Summerland could be a better example.

There are plenty of empty homes here but they are probably not what wealthier people from the coast and the province next door have in mind for their summer homes.

Just what we need: more “residents” who admittedly will be paying taxes but will not be supporting existing Summerland businesses for more than a couple of weeks each summer or getting involved in our community.

I too am nervous about the management.

S. Cooper



Summerland Review