Concerns of Indian Road residents deserve more response

Someone has already been hurt; do we now need to wait until someone is killed?



Concerns of Indian Road residents deserve more response

Re: “N. Cowichan looks at safety on 2 roadways”, (Citizen, Oct. 15)

I would like to comment on Clay Reitsma’s comments about traffic on Indian Road which goes to Lake Quamichan or to Art Mann Park.

My husband and I have lived in our present home, across from Art Mann Park for 13 years now. Many times during the past 13 years we have reached out to RCMP and North Cowichan for assistance in calming the traffic. I also know that prior to our moving here residents before us also requested assistance to the problem.

We have many people who use this road, seniors from Abbeyfield House, residents walking pets, many resident children, many adults seniors and children with mobility issues, as well children from Queen of Angels school who often come down to the park. Our problem arises from what appears to be younger drivers (most with N on vehicles) who race up and down our road far exceeding the speed limit, which is 30. Our street has become dangerous, not to mention the noise from them racing their vehicles up the hill from a complete stop in the Art Mann parking lot. We have complained to many people. The RCMP came a few times, but we know they are far too busy to attend to our road issue as often as it would take to make a difference.

One parent, who has become so concerned for the safety of his children and others on this road, has actually ran out to try to slow down a vehicle and ended up being dragged by the vehicle. Someone has already been hurt; do we now need to wait until someone is killed before we can address the problem?

In your article Clay Reitsma, responds by saying he does not want a knee jerk reaction….we would hardly think the years of complaints and inability to assist us would qualify as a knee jerk reaction.

We have also been subject to the additional traffic from Rowing Canada; as has been reported to Don Stewart. It seems to be misleading to say they bike to the lake; we have not witnessed bikers, only more vehicles, both personal vehicles and lately, semi-trucks delivering boats to the facility.

As a resident and a taxpayer I do not understand that Clay Reitsma indicates that he needs to wait for information from Rowing Canada, when they are not neighbourhood residents nor the people who this council is to serve. We believe we would like our road issue to be considered as a serious issue, further complicated by the addition of Rowing Canada traffic to a road that for the past 13 years and more has required a response. We would like to believe that as taxpayers and neighbourhood residents, that our concerns would require more of a response than an indication that Rowing Canada (none of whom are neighbourhood residents) is more important than the people they are there to serve!

Dona Billingsley and Glen Johnson

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen