Condolences to Richard Brockway

I am saddened by the passing of our paperboy (gentleman) Richard (Dick) Brockway on March 6.

I am saddened by the passing of our paperboy (gentleman) Richard (Dick) Brockway on March 6.

Dick and his lovely wife Joan have been delivering The NEWS to our house for a good 15 years and my wife and I will miss Dick very much.

They did a great job always getting out of the truck to tuck the paper in our gate after rain, snow or sunshine (never on the damp ground). They always had time to ask how things were going or just a quick hello.

We used to have two Labrador retrievers that would always run down to the gate to meet Joan. She would give them each a paper and then laugh as she watched them run back up the driveway.

Thank you Joan.

Larry PertchQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News