Conference centre should be sold or re-purposed

Even if a new hotel were built next to that white elephant, the conference centre, taxpayers would still be ponying up.

To the Editor,

Re: Report shows subsidy needed even with hotel, July 28.

So now we have it; finally a feasibility study that states even if a new hotel were built next to that white elephant, the conference centre, taxpayers would still be ponying up over a million dollars a year to keep it operating. Seems all those local business ‘leaders’ who packed council chambers over a year ago, bemoaning that more shiny rooms would be the savior, were wrong. Perhaps they are not as knowledgeable as they strut or perhaps they do not care how much taxpayers’ money, when it’s not theirs, is thrown deep into an endless pit.

Re-purpose or sell the conference centre now. Taxpayers are going into the red each year this dinosaur keeps gathering dust. It and just about every other conference centre in the world are outdated. Better put, they are extinct.

Ursula KnightNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin