Confusing defense from lawyer

For this letter writer, the defense presented by Adelina Hecimovic is embarrassing

Editor, The News:

Re: Trial begins for driver who killed Pitt couple (The News, Sept. 11).

Two innocent people were killed by an erratic driver who only had her ‘N’ class driver’s licence.

And her lawyer’s only defence is that there is poor lighting and confusing signage on the highway leading up to that intersection. Seriously?

Thousands of people drive through that intersection every day without begin confused.

Maybe her confusion resulted in her driving in a dangerous and overly aggressive fashion.

This is what happens when lawyers have no defense and must grasp at straws.

It’s too bad the Crown has to work so hard to prove the obvious.

There should be no benefit of the doubt here. Now we must spend thousands of taxpayers’ dollars to prove what we already know.

Two people from loving families will never be able to embrace or be embraced by their relatives again because of one young lady’s momentary lapse of reason.

And she’s trying to argue, with the help of her lawyer, that the lighting and the signage were confusing?

And the most embarrassing argument of all from her lawyer – that someone might not know that a right turn lane must turn right?

My driving instructor taught me that if confusion sets in while driving, then you slow down and gauge your options, and you do it in a concise manner, because at that point you have to realize that if you start losing control of your vehicle, you might be turning it into a weapon.

Her lawyer is not defending his client, he’s embarrassing her.

Mike Tuzzi

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News