Smithers Interior News Editorial

Congrats to the Class of ’21

The Class of COVID 2.0 may face unprecedented challenges, need community support

This week The Interior News salutes the Bulkley Valley’s graduating students.

It is always an exciting time for the students, their families and the community at large.

In whatever way they intend to pursue their life’s dreams as they embark on adulthood, it is a turning point among a very few milestones that define us.

Despite pandemic-related restrictions that have scaled back the celebrations for a second year running, the excitement remains.

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It is also a challenging time for students even under the best of circumstances.

The decisions they finally get to make on their own behalf are among the most important they will ever make.

The responsibilities they will undertake are of greater significance than any they have yet known.

This may be especially true for the Class of COVID 2.0.

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Preliminary studies are already indicating educational opportunity gaps have widened under the weight of the pandemic.

It will be many years before the full impact is known.

It has been said it takes a village to raise a child and the Bulkley Valley community has always been there for our grads.

Many organizations and businesses in the valley routinely step up to provide bursaries (including The Interior News) and administrative support for graduating high schoolers. Local employers eagerly await the expansion of the workforce providing jobs and training to the emerging cohort.

So, while we offer our congratulations and encouragement during this week of celebration, we should also be cognizant of the need for support in the coming weeks, months and years.

Bravo, Class of ’21; if there’s anything you’d like to tell us, feel free.

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