Congratulations to Kayla Moleschi for her Olympic spirit

Dedication, determination, desire, direction. Four D words that put together would spell Olympic Athlete.

Dedication, determination, desire, direction.

Four D words that put together would spell Olympic Athlete.

Can you imagine the dedication bronze medalist  Kayla Moleschi of Williams Lake  has put into Rugby.

I think the Saskatchewan Roughriders football team could use her talents.

Can you imagine the number of hours put into training by the 12 British Columbia athletes who also picked up medals.

Months and years of training by these women relates to the desire they need to keep going…day after day.

Did you notice that most of the Canadian Athletes who picked up hardware at the Olympic games were women?

The world is united though sports….there is power  in the Olympic rings that attracts the best athletes from around the world and this time we had the opportunity to see the good the bad and the ugly of Rio.

Thank you Kayla Moleschi for desire and dedication and I hope to see you in the 2020 Olympics.

I enjoyed seeing your charismatic smile while you were playing.

It looked to me that you were competing hard but having fun at the same time.

Gold silver or bronze took a backseat to good old kindred spirit in women’s sprinting when one sprinter collided with another after being tripped.

She helped the women she collided with then she went down with muscle problems and the other runner bent down to help… they came last but showed the world that winning a medal wasn’t important at that moment in time.

Japanese prime minister Stinzo Abe came out of a giant green pot wearing a Super Mario outfit and after taking the costume off he invited the world to come to Japan for 2020….would love to go to that one… the Japanese are such gracious people.

It is too bad that the world can’t take a lesson from the Athletes who competed at the Rio Olympic games.


Williams Lake Tribune