Conservative government unconcerned about future of our planet

Federal Conservative Environment Minister Peter Kent is attending the Durban Conference regarding future agreements.

To the Editor,

Federal Conservative Environment Minister Peter Kent is attending the Durban Conference regarding future agreements on  limiting  global warming.

His orders from our prime minister are to refuse to sign anything.

Readers might remember that we signed on to the Kyoto agreement back in the ’90s promising to reduce our emissions by seven per cent, but not only didn’t we do it, we increased them by 14 per cent.

We have by far the worst record in the developed countries and have ruined our overseas reputation for environmental values.

Millions of dollars have been donated to our federal Conservative government by the fossil fuel industry – totally legal here, but a criminal offence in most European countries.

Our government is simply the handmaiden of corporate polluters as the Occupy movement is well aware.

Canadians already use more energy per person than any other country in the world and we are on track to increase our dismal record thanks to the explosive increase in the tar sands.

Three-quarters of weather-related disasters stem from global warming. As the atmosphere warms, the weather comes apart.

With our present government in power for years to come, the future looks bleak.

The federal Conservatives and their supporters apparently have no concern or interest in what their children and grandchildren will face in the future.

Dave Cutts



Nanaimo News Bulletin