Conservative MPs show their true colours

Your editorial on holders of public office being mostly honourable and dedicated to the well-being of their constituents had me laughing

Your editorial on holders of public office being mostly honourable and dedicated to the well-being of their constituents had me on the floor laughing.

First, the senate scandal is far from over. We still have the multiple conflicting self-serving statements from Stephen Harper regarding how much he and his aides knew and when.  Since they can’t all be true, he must have lied to the house and to us.  It looks like a coverup.

Second, how can his backbenchers cheer and vote to retain him with each contradiction and refusal to answer? Do we hire these people to lie to us? To stonewall?

Third, how honourable is it for our current MP, having said in 2006 that if the Conservatives ever ran a budget deficit he would resign, to be still serving? Was the principle important or not?

Fourth, while injured veterans are living in the streets, our MP Collin Mayes has the gall to write how concerned he and his government are about veterans – after the courts struck down their effort to claw back disability benefits. A ‘lump sum’ is now being offered to save money and balance the books on the backs of injured veterans.

Richard Smiley


Salmon Arm Observer