Conservatives best choice as party that will defend freedom

I find it difficult to believe that we would not do everything to protect from terrorism.

To the Editor,

Referring to last month’s debate and the disagreement over one swearing allegiance to Canada with their face covered and the removal of dual citizenship for acts of terrorism, the two opposition parties claimed this was one’s right to cover their faces under our charter of rights. I find it hard to believe that they suggested this was part of our religious freedom.

This while Holland, Belgium and France along with Turkey, a strict Muslim country, do not allow one’s face to be covered in public places at any time.

As for the loss of citizenship, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau referred to the charter. Perhaps he was not aware that the charter allows anyone serving time in a federal prison to vote in federal elections if the are Canadian citizens even if they are serving life for murder or terrorism.

This terrorist got 35 years before he is deported so he could vote eight times in our elections if he served the full amount. This after trying to blow up a train with at least 200 Canadians on it.

As one who served our country in Korea, I find it difficult to believe that we would not do everything to protect from terrorism.

The great thing about freedom is you can vote for the party of your choice and should it win no one will riot in the streets demanding change. My vote will be for protecting our freedom and I will vote Conservative.

Gardo D. GurrNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin