Conservatives give away our resources

Harper bending over backwards to support the purchase of large areas of Alberta’s tar sands by Chinese communist-owned oil companies.

To the Editor,

Prime Minister Stephen Harper opposes Cubans participating in the Organization of American States meeting, while bending over backwards to support the purchase of large areas of Alberta’s tar sands by Chinese communist-owned oil companies.

These digressive conservatives are even lobbying for a pipeline that will trash huge areas of pristine B.C. forests so the Chinese can get at our oil.

Last month Harper praised the “success” of Canadian actions in Libya, where the rebels he supported with 30,000 bombs have vowed to make no laws that conflict with sharia law.

With this measure of success, we may expect similar laws here to help fill those extra jails he wants us to build. They did provide funding for the Dayliner on Vancouver Island to resume passenger service.

Too bad they’ve got nothing else right – this majority government that was only supported by 39 per cent of Canadian voters.

Jim Erkiletian


Nanaimo News Bulletin