Conservatives harm environment

Unlike Colin Mayes, I think the Harper governments policies have been disastrous for the environment.

Unlike Colin Mayes, I think the Harper governments policies have been disastrous for the environment.

The so called Omnibus Budget Bill of 2012 seriously undermined the protection of our rivers. Also, the Fisheries Act was changed so that not all fish species are protected. The Species at Risk act was weakened. Parks Canada staff was cut by one-third.

In 2013, the government closed seven of nine internationally respected fisheries libraries.  Invaluable data from decades of research is either no longer accessible or has been lost.

Currently government scientists cannot speak about their work to the popular press or at international conferences without the approval of the government.

Environmental protection must be based on sound, long-term, accessible  scientific research and strong legislation.

Instead the Harper government has weakened protective legislation and undermined scientific research in these and other ways, to the detriment of our environment.

Madeline Whittington


Salmon Arm Observer