Consider any possible hidden agendas when voting

Right now it appears that our government has committed us to new fighter jets costing undisclosed billions. Besides the questionable need and cost will it provide jobs here in Canada? The answer is no. The contract goes to the US (Texas, I understand). Consider;

Editor: The Standard

Perhaps we should think back 3000 years to the Roman Empire. Yes, history does repeat itself and it seems we do not learn from the past.

Right now it appears that our government has committed us to new fighter jets costing undisclosed billions. Besides the questionable need and cost will it provide jobs here in Canada?  The answer is no.  The contract goes to the US (Texas, I understand).  Consider;

• Cost to our over-burdened taxpayers.

• No jobs for Canada

• A big question for Canadians. Why?

• Who are we fighting and what possible gain is there for us?

• And the biggest question of all – what is the hidden agenda?

In my lifetime there has always been a war raging somewhere on the planet.  Remembering WWII – impending signs of war were in evidence everywhere (most were ignored).

I am a Veteran of WWII and a survivor of the great depression when many people faced starvation.

There were hostels, food line-ups and thousands of men rode box cars looking for any jobs – for example, farm work at 50 cents a day and a sleep in the hay.  In 1939 when war was declared thousands of men joined the service for $1.10 a day – food and clothing provided.

War industries popped up over night – General Motors converted to planes, a huge Cordite plant opened in Pickering, Ontario; in B.C. the shipyards were working around the clock.  Suddenly many women who had never worked outside the home were filling in jobs formerly held by men, like Rosie the riveter.

In the blink of an eye economy took off.

Question – Is this now the agenda?

Perhaps we should note that armaments is and has been the biggest industry in the world.  And today new improved weapons of mass destruction are available almost everywhere.

The Romans perceived very early that if they kept the populace fed and entertained (perhaps throwing the Christians to the gladiators or lions); they would not pay attention to what was really happening.

Today we spend hours watching TV, playing computer games, watching sports, surfing the internet.

So why do we have low turnouts at elections?

Pay attention to what is going on around you! Ask questions of councils and elected representatives to determine who best represents your interests.

Marj Houghton

Hope Standard