Consider Harrison Lake as a water source for the region

In part I agree with former Abbotsford city engineer Ed Regts. Expanding the present Norrish Creek system is the most economical...

The signatory was the manager of the Norrish Creek water supply from 1992 to retirement in 2003.

In part I agree with former Abbotsford city engineer Ed Regts. Expanding the present Norrish Creek system is the most economical, however as he stated, this does not solve the problem for future supply.

We are about to expend $291 million to construct the Stave Lake water source. The AECOM report estimated that Abbotsford could face water shortage problems by 2016.

What is the estimated life of the Stave Lake source? For an additional $110 to $159 million we could develop the Harrison Lake source and have a reliable supply for 75 years plus.

Did the city consider approaching Langley, Maple Ridge, Aldergrove, Rosedale, Chilliwack or First Nations to partner on the Harrison source?

Lastly, much has been said with regard to the $65 million we will receive from the federal government if the P3 is approved. The money is tax dollars, whether or not the source is federal, provincial or city, it is our money, it just comes from a different money pot!

Allan C. Kraus

Abbotsford News