Consumer protection needed in northwestern B.C.

Letter writer calls into question the validity of the rate hikes for natural gas.

Writer questions the natural gas rate hikes for northwestern B.C.

Writer questions the natural gas rate hikes for northwestern B.C.

Dear Sir:

I have to question the validity of the rate hikes for natural gas.

If my understanding is correct the natural gas company needs this rate hike to help maintain the integrity and safety of existing pipelines, but how is it that they can afford to build and expand new pipelines for the purpose of export?

I am all in favour of industry as it provides people with a good standard of living in our country, but I do not think that having us subsidize industry is the answer.

When industry makes extra profit they don’t share it with the public, so why would they expect the public to pick up a loss?

Perhaps it is time, and I question the B.C. Utilities Commission on this, that gas and oil companies are refused rate hikes until they have done everything in their power to address their financial problems internally.

Reduce CEOs and all their executive staff salaries and pensions. Cut off tax breaks for corporate meetings in plush hotels and dining.

Use company vehicles and equipment only for the work day.

And don’t take those vehicles home or use them for weekends or holidays.

There are to many things to discuss in one letter but I think the utilities commission and our provincial government must take a better look at protecting and assisting the public from corporate gouging.

Allan Grier,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard