Core review needed for city employees

Re: Financial crisis looming for city, Letters, March 22.

To the Editor,

Re: Financial crisis looming for city, Letters, March 22.

It has been pointed out by Wayne Schulstad that the city intends to have 12 new positions. Is there that much more room in the new annex?

The position of communications manager – is this really necessary, as there will only be approved information given out? Were this position in place several years ago, would we know why Jerry Berry was paid out more than $500,000? Not likely.

The time has come for an unbiased core review of the city’s employees.

This might not be popular with the staff, but it is necessary for the protection of those paying the bills.

After all, if they can spend money to count traffic, what good reason can there be for refusing to have a core review?

R. Stead


Nanaimo News Bulletin