Corrupt E.U. led to Brexit

After hundreds of years of colonialism and British elitism, the United Kingdom has finally made a huge step towards putting things right.

After hundreds of years of colonialism and British elitism, the United Kingdom (UK) has finally made a huge step towards putting things right.

The referendum result has put a giant wrench into the government and corporate elite’s plans to make a one world government. If the UK had voted to stay in, the next step for the European Union (EU)  was to get rid of the British and other member countries’ military forces and establish one EU army.

This would then ensure their plans to eradicate all the individual country’s names, so that the EU would then become just the Central, Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern States. Good-bye England, Germany, France, etc.

But this was just the beginning. The elites’ next step was to form the Asian/Pacific and North American unions, which means Mexico, America and Canada merging as one to become the North American Union — good-bye Canada.

As for the economic fallout that’s happening now, it’s all just smoke and mirrors. These people have the money and the power to make the markets react in any way they want it to.

So thank-you Brexit, because against all odds and the entire political and corporate elite, the people said ‘no’ to these tyrannical and corrupt plans for a new world order.

John St. JohnParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News