Cosens Bay Road

Resident opposed to changes through Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I have lived in Vernon since the early 1970s and at that time, Cosens Bay cabins were known as boat access only. So when the originals were all built, people knew  the safe way in was by water.

I have no idea if there was some sort of road, trail or perhaps a Hydro access, but the cabin owners knew they went in by boat.

Then as lakeshore became very scarce, I’m wondering if some new people chose to build there or maybe the old owners chose to renovate for year-round dwellings and now, they want a road to be built for them.

I say, if you live out there, build your own road access and not on park property.

I know this is going to ruffle feathers, and if I’m wrong, I welcome to be corrected because I’m tired of hearing about the park road that is supposed to benefit a few homes that are outside of park property.


Judy Douglas



Vernon Morning Star