Cost of Agassiz gym expansion worth it

The participation of the community is very large and has created the need for expansion.

I have been anticipating the expansion of the recreation centre for a while now. I am very much in favor.

My wife and I have been attending this great facility for almost as long as the 6 and a half years we have lived here. The staff has always been great and the fitness trainers are very motivating and knowledgeable.

Upgrades to some of the fitness equipment as well as the purchase of extra equipment have assisted in making every day pleasurable to attend.

I have read the article in the Observer, regarding the cost and how it will be funded. The questions and answers are quite interesting and in some people’s minds, I am sure they are unacceptable.

The $2.5 million dollar budget is huge. The scenarios of how it will be paid for may be concerning to many residents. I for one feel the cost is worth it and the reason is because I use it and see the need for a larger facility.

The participation of the community is very large and has created the need for expansion.

I wish more residents would attend this facility to find out how motivated you can become by working out on your own or taking one of the many fitness classes, available to anyone.

Instructors can show you how to use the equipment to your full advantage and although it is best to always ask a trainer, many other participants are usually willing to assist you.

Very qualified trainers instruct the fitness classes and there is no fear of attending any class, as you work out mostly at your own pace.

There are classes that fit any lifestyle, from someone with heart problems to the more energetic people who have made fitness part of their life.

I encourage everyone to support this project to its fullest. If you don’t participate in any fitness regime, think of the community as a whole.

It is giving people of all ages a way to enjoy a healthy and long life. It will cut down on ailments as you age and for the younger generation, help you lead a better lifestyle by participating. In general, as one fitness trainer continues to stress, “IT’S GOOD FOR YOU”, as we all groan.

Support this endeavor and take advantage of what it offers now and in the future.

Ted R Fecho

Agassiz Observer