Costs unreasonable

Letter writer opposes borrowing funds for sports complex

I would like to respond to the cost of the sports track. For all of those people who believe it’s only $15 a year, you are mistaken.

The Regional District of North Okanagan has said the $15 is based on a home appraised at $180,000. I don’t know too many homes at that price. For me, you can triple the cost. In my community, I see parks, roads and  services that could use my tax dollars.

RDNO keep talking about the B.C. Senior Games that only come around every five years, and that’s a maybe. Why would we focus on such a small chance? Look for a full-time tenant that can generate income, ie. a junior football team.

Costs, yes, just rising but the wages in the Vernon are some of the lowest in B.C.  Stop spending. We all pay enough for what little we get from RDNO and our municipalities.

Jay Smith



Vernon Morning Star