Council critics can’t speak for all

NANAIMO – Re: Force the answer when sense fails, Letters, June 22.

To the Editor,

Re: Force the answer when sense fails, Letters, June 22.

How insulting.

Donna Carlson assumes her common sense is what the public wants.

Not this public.

Certainly not the majority of the council and probably not the majority of Nanaimoites.

It’s disturbing to think whenever a decision is made by an elected body that does not agree with the wants of a portion of the population, then it’s wrong and needs to be changed.

Not just this one, but school board decisions, water and hydro decisions, etc.

As a democracy that elects officials to make tough decisions, we made our decisions on election day.

We can’t have new elections every year, so live with it and work to make the changes for the next election.

Lastly, anarchism is never a long-term solution. Ignoring the law or thumbing one’s nose at it is just what turns most people off.

J. Sharpe


Nanaimo News Bulletin