Council has failed to help Shames

An Open Letter to Members of Terrace City Council

Dear Council Members:
Recently the City of Terrace was approached by My Mountain Co-Op to provide financial assistance in their attempt to purchase Shames Mountain. I feel it is of great importance to relay my disappointment and anger towards those on council who fail to see the important asset that Shames is to our community.

An Open Letter to Members of Terrace City Council

Dear Council Members:

Recently the City of Terrace was approached by My Mountain Co-Op to provide financial assistance in their attempt to purchase Shames Mountain.  I feel it is of great importance to relay my disappointment and anger towards those on council who fail to see the important asset that Shames is to our community.


I love Terrace. I was born here and returned to raise my family here. Those who have not discovered our community do not know what they are missing. However, working professionals who are looking at Terrace as a potential place to grow roots may not be looking long.

Our mountain is crucial in attracting working professionals to this region, and without it our economy will take a serious hit.  My family is young and my children are only small, but my spouse and I have talked seriously about what kind of future we could have here if Shames were to close.

Not only does it provide us opportunity to connect as a family, it is our main source of recreation and socializing throughout our long winter months.  We are only a family of four, but that is four of us who may not be contributing to strengthen Terrace’s economy in years to come.  I also know that our family isn’t the only one having this conversation.

Shames can be successful and self-sustaining as a not for profit community service cooperative facility that does not rely on tax dollars to run like all other community recreation facilities.

MMC and Shames Mountain needed this boost and you failed them.  I pay taxes, and would rather help to keep Shames open if it comes down to it.  However, instead I pay for the second sheet of ice.  Where is my voter’s choice here? I sure hope that November brings my representation to the city council table.

I find it shameful that council’s vote towards supporting this was defeated. Failure to recognize the asset that Shames is will mean a loss of support from me in the upcoming municipal election.  I am only one vote, but I intend to use my voice to motivate those who share my feelings in this matter to consider this an issue of utmost importance when voting.

Jessica Hogg, Terrace, BC


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