Council has issue with integrity

Courtenay city council is heading into 2012 with the very serious question of integrity hanging, like an albatross*, around its neck.




Dear editor,

Courtenay city council is heading into 2012 with the very serious question of integrity hanging, like an albatross*, around its neck.

We too were part of the 28 per cent who took the time and interest  to vote in our civic election.  We were also part of the large group of observers who attended the Dec. 20 city council meeting when Ronna-Rae Leonard presented her motion asking for full disclosure of the source(s) of the Common Sense organization’s mailing list.

The identities of the council members who had been endorsed by this group became blatantly obvious when they gave their reasons for voting against this motion – with the exception of Jon Ambler who should be commended for his integrity when voting in support of Ms. Leonard’s motion, even though he was also endorsed by the group.

We’re relieved that Ronna-Rae is pursuing her investigation and hope others will personally lodge their own complaints to Election Canada. Until those on the Courtenay city council respond as to  ‘why’ they refuse to divulge the source of their mailing lists and are transparent about what else they may be hiding, this council has lost its credibility and legitimacy. If they refuse, the credibility of other elections, at all levels, will be compromised.

Rosemary Baxter


*Wikipedia – ‘Albatross’ – a psychological burden that feels like a curse.


Comox Valley Record