Council keeps pursuing most expensive options

I am reminded every day about this council’s backward thinking process, like with the Colliery dams deception.

To the Editor,

Re: Council considers another study on Colliery dams, Sept. 18.

I am reminded every day about this council’s backward thinking process, like with the Colliery dams deception.

Yet again it will continue to cost the now-overburdened taxpayers of Nanaimo a lot more money in this very hard-hitting economic recession.

Enough is enough, because the Colliery dams are obviously not broken and are in great shape. This is just another fine example of the city operating with the policy of, if it’s broken, we will not fix it, but we will have it torn down, no matter what the cost.

No wonder that Nanaimo is in such a mess.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin