Council needs to understand pool’s benefits

Beban Pool has been a great service to a full life span of users from infants to seniors.

To the Editor,

Re: Closing pool unacceptable, Letters, June 16.

Recent announcements indicate that Nanaimo city council is considering closing Beban Pool for three months yearly in order to save money. This would be a costly mistake on many levels.

Given the proximity of our citizens to lakes and the ocean, it is vital that every opportunity be taken to teach swimming to all in order to prevent drowning.

Given the population of Nanaimo it is unreasonable to close one of the two indoor public pools.

Given the need for warm-water physical therapy for people with disabilities, this pool must remain open to allow fitness levels to be maintained. A three-month hiatus could cause serious deficits in health for many and cost our health-care system. Many do not understand the importance of warm water for infants, children, elderly and fragile or injured individuals.

Pools are not here to make money but to provide a service to citizens who support it through taxes. Beban Pool has been a great service to a full life span of users from infants to seniors. It provides lessons, therapy, and fitness training. It is central for most citizens. The staff and users have a bond of appreciation. Many groups rent this pool for training including swim clubs, Special Olympics, physiotherapy groups, scuba clubs, and kayak clubs to name a few. The lifeguards at Beban Pool serve as first responders for the Beban complex including the ice rink and community centre, a vital service to all users.

Beban Pool has allowed for the creation of community bonds resulting in many social connections for citizens of all ages. To ignore the benefit of this pool to all users is faulty thinking. As citizens of Nanaimo we support our council in creating the best possible environment for promoting health and fitness for all.

Gerry ProutenNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin