Council should make an effort to know their sources


Open letter to the mayor and councillors of the Village of Burns Lake.


Open letter to the mayor and councillors of the Village of Burns Lake.

I appreciate your decision to discuss Enbridge’s proposed pipelines project, as reported in the Lakes District News edition of Oct. 19, 2011.

Could you please tell me when there will be an opportunity to discuss these issues in a public forum?

Also, I am concerned about the proposed presentation by Dr. Patrick Moore, who is neither cofounder nor a representative of Greenpeace.

Do you expect us to believe his assertion that the melting of glaciers due to global warming is positive because it creates more arable land?

Please read the articles listed below.

I question your qualifications to make any decisions in this matter on behalf of your electorate if you do not make an effort to know the source of your information and his credibility.

For a Greenpeace statement on Patrick Moore go to

For background information on Patrick Moore go to

For more information on Patrick Moore, environmentalist, go to

Read the article ‘Why is a former Greenpeace activist siding with Indonesia’s logging industry?’ at

Read the article ‘Sadly, violence may be on the way in battle for B.C.’s environment’ at

Read the article ‘Greenpeace “cofounder” praises global warming’ at

And watch the video, ‘Oil in Eden’ at or at

I appreciate your time and consideration regarding this important matter.


John G. Phair



Burns Lake Lakes District News