Council should stick to its guns on heritage home

Recently I returned to Revelstoke for a trip down memory lane. Both my mother and I were born there and houses, including my grandparents’, where we lived are still there although in a sad state, I’m afraid.


Re: Property owner lawyers up in heritage dispute with city, News, Sept. 7

Recently I returned to Revelstoke for a trip down memory lane. Both my mother and I were born there and houses, including my grandparents’, where we lived are still there although in a sad state, I’m afraid. I was really upset to see the house at 714 Mackenzie Ave. where I lived with my parents in the 1950s as my father was the C.P.R. superintendent at the time. Today I received a clipping regarding the present owner wanting to tear that beautiful old house down and I was shocked and saddened. I am so pleased to read that council is sticking to its guns with the remedial action order and I applaud them loudly. It was such a lovely home with beautiful wood finishes on a nice corner lot and we were always proud of the fact that it was our home.

If it comes to the point where the city has to refurbish it I and I am sure others would be happy to donate funds to help with the restoration and I am hopeful that it will remain a landmark home in Revelstoke for a very long time.

L. Jeryll Smith


Burnaby, B.C.



Revelstoke Times Review