Councillors’ resignations not a ‘kamikaze’ mission

Various theories now exist to explain the resignation of four councillors and two management staff in Lantzville.

To the Editor,

Re: Mayor causing disharmony, Letters, June 4.

Various theories now exist to explain the resignation of four councillors and two management staff in Lantzville. The latest, expressed by a resident at a council meeting last month, is that those who resigned were on a deliberate six-month kamikaze mission to undermine, paralyze and bring down the council. There was no evidence produced to support this theory so I would like to propose my own.

Mayor Colin Haime’s re-election seems to have immediately heightened partisan divisions to an intolerable level leading to the current resignations. Now, this is only a theory, although its legitimacy is supported by recorded statements and attendance at many meetings.

There is no evidence written or observed that the four resignations by elected, responsible professional adults, all of whom had previously served at least one full three-year term, were deliberate. Mayor Haime’s statements that the four, consisting of a majority, could have directed council decisions their way misstates the problem. Votes do not necessarily guarantee civility or mutual respect and this appears to be the crux of the problem.

Lantzville wants to solve its problems. We want to stop coming up with theories and learn the truth. If we are to pay $20,000 for a mediator we want to know where the problems are so we don’t repeat them. Any mediator needs to get specific exit statements from those councillors and management who resigned as well as those who stay from this council and the previous one.

Liz FoxLantzville

Nanaimo News Bulletin